MailChimp Updates

This page provides the ability to update the vfa_members database with the latest info from the MaiiChimp VFA eNewsletters list.

Start by signing in to the MailChimp account and requesting an Export from that list. You will receive a ZIP file. Extract the files in the ZIP and you will get three CSV files with names including cleaned_members_export, unsubscribed_members_export, and subscribed_members_export. The latter two names are descriptive of the file content; "cleaned" means those email addresses can no longer be used.

Open phpMyAdmin at the server and go to vfa_mc_cleaned and make sure there are no records. Use Operations, Truncate to clear if needed. Go to Import, select the cleaned_members_export CSV file and do an Import. Go to Browse and delete the first record, the one that has the column labels. Then repeat the process with vfa_mc_unsubscribed and vfa_mc_subscribed.

Once that setup is completed click the Process button below to start the updating process.

This content is restricted to subscribers