Family: Ernest Quimby / Jean Agnes Galloway (F25345)

m. 6 Jun 1941

Family Chart     |    PDF

Notes: You may have to scroll down or right to see chart.     
Ira QuimbyIra Quimby
Male (1845-1900)
Mary E. QuimbyMary E. Quimby
Male (1871-1871)
Ransel T. QuimbyRansel T. Quimby
Male (1877- )
Female (1880-1880)
Male (1881-1881)
Ethel M. QuimbyEthel M. Quimby
Female (1883-1883)
Ernest QuimbyErnest Quimby
Male (1883-1977)
Jean Agnes GallowayJean Agnes Galloway
Female (1893-1953)