Place List: P
Place List: P, sorted alphabetically (number of total localities in parentheses):
Click on a place to show smaller localities. Click on the search icon to show matching individuals. Heat Map
1. Paquetville, NB 2. Parent, NB (3) 3. Peel, NB 4. Pennfield Parish, NB 5. Pennfield Ridge, NB 6. Pennfield, NB (2) 7. Perth Andover, NB 8. Perth, NB |
9. Perth-Andover, NB 10. Petit Rocher, NB (2) 11. Petit Shippegan, NB 12. Petit-Rocher, NB 13. Petit-Shippegan, NB 14. Petite Rocher, NB 15. Pigeon Hill, NB 16. Pisiquit, NB |
17. Plaster Rock, NB 18. Pointe Sapin, NB 19. Pokemouche, NB 20. Pokemoushe, NB 21. Port Toulouse, NB 22. Protestant Cem. St. Leonard, NB 23. Pukitville, NB |