Search your family

Charles search

Search home screen for Charles Violet, Francois’ son

Finally, the ability to search your family tree is available at our web site – No login is required. Go to the web site and select Genealogy, then click on Family Tree. That brings you to the search home page. From there, enter a last and first name, and click the Search button, and you will get a list of all those in the database meeting those criteria. Scroll through the list to find the one you are looking for. If you pause and hover over any name a popup will provide a little more information about that person so you can see if that is the one you are looking for. When you find the correct one, click on it to bring up a Personal Information form giving more info.

Charles info

Personal Information table for Charles Violet

You can click on any link in the Personal Information form to get the same type of information about that person.

Charles chart

Ancestor chart for Charles Violet, Francois’ son

There are also menu picks to show charts such as Ancestors and Descendants.Those charts will have yellow arrows beside the boxes on the left and right to allow you to go further back in time or further ahead. Each box has a dark blue arrow pointing down and if you hover over that arrow a popup will show you more info about that person.

This is made available by the tremendous amount of work done by our Genealogist, Rod Violette (VFA #12). He built the current database of over 80,800 names – 22,312 of them are direct descendants of François Violet/Violette – starting with the 9,600 or so names originally compiled by Rita Violette Lippé (VFA #1).

If you don’t find the person you are looking for you might try looking for the person’s parents. If you still don’t find them contact Rod Violette to let him know about the person or family you are looking for and give him as much info as you can. Rod will work to find them and add them to the tree if appropriate. Rod’s contact info is on the Family Tree home screen as well as in the footer on every page.

We’ll be sending eNews in the future that will give you more ideas of what you can do in this new part of our web site.