In the new year

Happy New Year to all Violettes and their families!

Do you want to have a Violette Family Reunion in 2020? It is time in the regular cycle of things for us to have one. The last was in 2014; we did not have one in 2017. We just need someone or a group to act as hosts, and we can provide them with a lot of help in organizing and carrying it out. A New England location would work best for the majority of members. See for info on holding a Reunion.

2020 will be the year for our Triennial Meeting, whether it is held at a Reunion or virtually. That means it is also time for elections of officers. Our current officers were elected in 2014 and would like for someone else to take over. Four offices are up for election: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Please think about it and suggest potential nominees to an officer. Contact info is at