Descendants of Francois Violet available in electronic version

Descendants of Francois Violet cover

Descendants of Francois Violet cover

Descendants of Francois Violet (Rita’s book) is now available in electronic version. This version is readable on tablets and phones, but not on Kindles, due to limitations in formatting. To acquire the book click on the cover image at left or go to Amazon and do a search for the book title or author (Rita Lippe). The cost for this version is $10 and it is available for free download in your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

The content of this version is slightly rearranged in order to preserve the relationship between page numbers in the electronic version and in the book’s indexes (found starting on page 437 in both versions). To accomplish this the front matter (pages i through x in the original book) have been moved to the end of this version, and will be found starting at page 485. So, if you are looking for David Violette (me, on index page 442) the reference to page 273 found there will take you to my entry in the book.

I am working on a paper version of the book and it should be available in a few weeks. There is a lot of processing to do to get it ready for printing.

We got Rita’s permission to republish her book in all versions – thank you, Rita! I sacrificed one copy of the book I had inherited and had it scanned from cover to cover. This required totally disassembling the book in order to get the best scan quality, so that book is gone.

The paper version will also be available through Amazon on a “print on demand” basis, meaning that when you order a copy it will be printed at that time. This system avoids a huge upfront cost to print and stock books, plus the Association will not have to do the shipping. The price for the printed version is not available yet, but we expect it to be similar to the cost of the original book.

The price for both versions includes a royalty which will be paid to the Violette Family Association. No person will gain from publishing these books. The same is true for A Violette History, also available from Amazon.