This is the last call for nominations for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. While we have one nominee each for President, Secretary, and Treasurer at this time we have none for Vice President. We can use more than one nomination for all of the offices.
The elections will be held at the Triennial Meeting to be held in late August or early September, and nominations need to be received by June 27th at the latest so they can be included in the next newsletter. That will be published 60 days ahead of the Triennial Meeting.
We have published a newsletter in April 2020 telling members about new Violette-related books available from Amazon and setting the state for a Triennial Meeting, probably in August. You can download the newsletter using this link or by clicking on the cover image at the right.
On the front page we announce publication of the historic The Descendants of Francois Violet. First published in 1984 by Rita Violette Lippe (VFA #1), this book went out of print in 2008 but there has been a demand for more copies. The newsletter tells the story of how this edition came into being and how to get it.
Other topics in the newsletter discuss the upcoming election of officers at the Triennial Meeting. We are asking for nominations for all of the four offices.
The newsletter is being distributed electronically via this newsletter, which will be sent to all members with an email address on file. A printed version will go in the mail within the next few days to the rest.
The Violette Family Association Bylaws call for Triennial Meetings to be held to take care of business not handled by the Board of Directors. The next such meeting will be held in August 2020. You will receive official notice of the meeting date by mid-June. While in the past these meetings have been held during a Reunion, no Reunion is planned for 2020 so the meeting will be a virtual one. You can see the details of how this will be done by reading the Constitution and Bylaws.
One topic on the agenda for that meeting is to elect officers for the Board of Directors. There are four offices to be filled: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The fifth member of the Board is the most recent Past President. We invite nominations for those offices by June 30, 2002, so that we can verify willingness to serve and to publish them 60 days in advance of the meeting. Send your nominations, or if you would like to volunteer, to
* No Reunion, no meeting, no elections, same officers continued
Note that all of the current officers have been in office since 2014 and some for longer than that. The youngest of the four is 76, the oldest 88. Perhaps it is time to get a younger generation involved, at least in some offices! The current officers will be glad to help new ones get started.
Happy New Year to all Violettes and their families!
Do you want to have a Violette Family Reunion in 2020? It is time in the regular cycle of things for us to have one. The last was in 2014; we did not have one in 2017. We just need someone or a group to act as hosts, and we can provide them with a lot of help in organizing and carrying it out. A New England location would work best for the majority of members. See for info on holding a Reunion.
2020 will be the year for our Triennial Meeting, whether it is held at a Reunion or virtually. That means it is also time for elections of officers. Our current officers were elected in 2014 and would like for someone else to take over. Four offices are up for election: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Please think about it and suggest potential nominees to an officer. Contact info is at