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- Education: 1860s Massachusetts Middlesex Boarding School and San Francisco.
1870s Went to Harvard but dropped out.
Went to work at a clothing company in Boston. Didn't like it so returned to San Francisco via Panama. Sailed to Panama, crossed Panama on horseback, then sailed to San Francisco.
Joined his father in the brokerage business in San Francisco. He was among those who started the San Francisco Stock Exchange.
1876: Still restless, he returned to Montana to join his uncle, William Comstock Child. He worked as an agent for the Gilmore and Salisbury Stage Line that ran from Helena to Salt Lake.
Marriage 1883: Travelled to Cincinatti to meet a gal at the train depot, where all the eligible bachelors met arriving women. He married Adelaide Dean.
Returning to Montana, he built and managed a silver smelter. Was involved with the Original Butte Mining Co in 1881; The Lexington Mining Co in 1882; the Cruse Mountain Consolidated Mining Co. in 1885; and the Comstock Mining and Milling Co in 1889.
1887: Harry handled the Gregory Mine hostage situation.
1890: Helena Mt. Took over operation of the YPTC after his brother in law, Silas S. Huntley's death.
1901 Yellow Stone National Park. Thhe company acquired the Mammoth Hotel from the Northern Pacific Railway. Harry Wilbour Child built the hotels at Upper Basin,Grand canyon, Fountain, Yellowstone Lake, and Mammouth.
Winter 1903-1904. Presidential Visit. President Teddy Rooseveltcame for a 2 week vacation. Harry W. Child and President Roosevelt formed a close friendship that lasted until Harry's death. Harry also developed a solid friendship with President Warren Harding.