Lets keep in touch. Are you missing?

2018 Aug contents

Table of Contents for Aug 2018 newsletter. Click on image to download the newsletter.

You know how it is with families – when cousins only see each other for weddings and funerals it is easy to not be close. And when your children and theirs start having children the distance seems to get greater. We have so much going on in our own lives.

Well, the Violette Family Association may not have been the best “cousin” for staying in touch. Our interactions with you have been sporadic over the last years – usually when we have something to say about Reunions. 

But over the last few months we have tried to be better cousins. We’ve been sending out electronic news (eNews) every couple of weeks to let you know how we are doing. And now we are sending out our first full newsletter in a couple of years.

The August 2018 full newsletter is being distributed to members with email addresses on file via this eNews story. It will also be printed and mailed to the rest this coming week. You can use this link to download the newsletter PDF file for reading and printing.

The newsletter will let those who have not been getting our eNews know about the exciting new Violette Registry and how to search their Family Tree.

We also provide information about how members can help us stay in touch by updating their Member Profile. Have you done that yet?

Missing Members

It is sad that over the years we lose touch with some of our members. They move and don’t give us their new address or they change email addresses and don’t let us know.

This newsletter has a couple of pages listing members we’ve lost touch with. Please help us by telling us how to get back in touch with them or by asking them to contact us with their new information. We’d love to be back in touch again!