Have a Violette story to tell?


Want to share a story about a Violette woman or man?

Do you have a story about a Violette event you want to share? Would you like to tell about a notable Violette person?

We would like to help you with tasks like those, here on VioletteRegistry.com.

Let Dave Violette, our President and Webmaster, know what you have in mind and he can help you get the story published here. Don’t worry if you are concerned about your writing skills! Dave will help you organize your story and help you polish it for readability. He can also help you with illustrations or images to enhance your story.

Dave has written recently about his visits to Fortress Louisbourg (A Visit to Fortress Louisbourg – Part 1, A Visit to Fortress Louisbourg – Part 2, and A Visit to Fortress Louisbourg – Part 3), and to the place where Francois and Marie-Luce first lived as a family on the Hammond River in southern New Brunswick (Francois and Marie-Luce at the Hammond River). Rod Violette wrote recently about his finding six different Violette/Violet/Violett family lines (Six Violette/Violet/Violett Families in North America). And Lee Violet wrote about her trip with her brother to visit places in France from the history of our branch of the Violet/Violette family (A Visit To Violet France). We also reported on a book that Pete Violette wrote about his family history (The Violette Family Book, by Peter R Violette).

These are just a few examples of what you might share with the Violette family.

We know of several Violettes who have started or run successful businesses, and their stories could be of interest to our members. Perhaps a Violette you know of made a valuable invention or discovery. Or a Violette you know of was part of a project of significance. It could be you know of a Violette who was important to his or her family and whose story would be interesting to share.

The person you write about could be living or passed (if living, we would need their permission to publish their story).

Let us know about your idea for a story and we will help you get it going. Contact Dave at President@VioletteFamily.org.